Core Beliefs
We Believe . . .
Free Will: God has chosen us to bring salvation to all and has given people the ability to make the decision for faith. As a member of God’s family, we believe:
- God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.
- We are created in God’s own image.
- We have rebelled against God and gone our own way.
- God has pursued humanity throughout history.
- Jesus, God’s Son, came to show us what God is like.
- Jesus died and rose again to give us hope and the promise of eternal life.
- Those who know the good news of Jesus live forgiven, free lives.
- The church is a company of people living and sharing good news.
- We are called to be stewards of the earth and all of creation.
- God is sovereign over all creation and will defeat evil and reign forever.
- The purpose of the written word is to point us to God, the living Word.
After a person has professed Christ as their Savior, baptism symbolizes the cleansing of sins and follows Jesus’ example described in John 3. Romans 6 says Christians are “buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.”
- College Park offers full immersion of the candidate celebrating each person’s public expression of faith. In addition to baptism, members are accepted into the church by a statement of faith and by a letter of membership
The Lord’s Supper
The Lord’s Supper, also known as communion, is a remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. The juice and bread are symbols of the blood and body of Christ. The practice comes from Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples where unleavened bread and the wine were served. At College Park Baptist, the Lord’s Supper is usually observed on the first Sunday of each month.
You Are Invited . . .
Come and join with this humble community who has gathered to worship, study, fellowship, and minister to those in need. You are invited to share your love of God in this place.